I’m Neal Nybo
I’m happy to connect and you don’t need to
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I helped a wonderful community serve holiday meals to 1000 Camp Pendleton Marines and their families.
Thanks for finding me. I know this isn't a typical Speaker, Coach, or Trainer website.
So, what’s my deal?
I was a pastor for 25 years. Not long ago I got fed up with the lack of transformation seeming to take place among people who describe themselves as Christians. People worship Jesus (something he never told anyone to do), but seldom follow his example (something he repeatedly challenged people to do).
I asked a table full of pastors why they seemed so disinterested in my message to be kinder. They told me Jesus said to love (not be kind). If I talked about love, they would be interested. I said, if you are in line at Starbucks and want to love the person in front of you, what do you do? If it isn’t an act of kindness, you may end up in jail. They yawned.
So, I have taken my message of kindness to companies. Every businessperson I know says their office, team, or company should be kinder but that’s as far as it goes. Corporate kindness seems to be a bit like annual reviews. It’s something we all know we should do but other things take priority. That is a problem because 79% of people quit bad bosses not bad jobs.
If you have a reason for why kindness doesn’t get much attention, I’m happy to hear it. And if you have read all this, you are probably someone I would be happy to connect with. Send me an email.
If you want a high-powered, dynamic speaker with twenty-five years of experience and a message that will change your organization, sure, I do that also. That whole website is just waiting for you. Click any of the tabs above.
Otherwise, thanks for reading, and go be kinder.