Find your church or organization's
God-inspired direction
"Discovering Your Church's Next Step"
"Discovering Your Organization's Next Step"
Workbook and workshop formats give everyone a voice and say in identifying your organization's heart and future.
Your group will:
Focus on its best aspects.
Observe its most significant experiences.
Hold on to its greatest strengths.
Embrace its essential values.
Recognize and begin taking its next steps.
2. Find Your Organization's Heart
A recent participant from Zephyr Point
Imagine a majority of your board members, congregation, or leaders gathering for a day of celebrating the best elements of your organization or church! Imagine the energy in the room as all of you discuss what makes your group unique and exciting. Think of what it could mean for all of you to get a sense of your organization's heartbeat and direction.
This Discovery seminar is highly interactive, full of opportunities for personal reflection and group participation, and designed to get people’s attention off their own agendas and on to looking at your organization as a group. The activity moves back and forth from individual thought time to table discussions to whole group interactions. People write their own answers then tables come to a consensus then all answers are posted on a wall. Participants, facilitators or leaders, find natural groupings or patterns of answers. For example, there could be several answers related to serving in leadership and several about recent programs or initiatives. There may be answers related to activities far in the past. All these are helpful. These groupings become the answers on which participants will focus. The same process of synthesis is repeated for each of the reflection questions. Everyone is involved. All are heard.
The seminar continues through the reflection questions, and ultimately the entire group is agreeing on what they as an organization need to hang on to, what needs to be surrendered, and what needs to be improved. It is powerful to have many participants from all areas of the organization in the room together determining what decisions they need to make as an institution, what work they need to do, what actions they need to take, and what people might come alongside them in their process.
The Participant's Guide and Leader's Notes gives you the foundation for this seminar experience.