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clarity and direction

3 Steps

7 Days

"The innovative exercises are far better than any tests and inventories I have done and Dr. Nybo has created a strategic path for increased clarity."

Mark Cowpersmith, Personal, Spiritual Coach

clarity and direction

3 Steps

Your Schedule

7 Days

"The innovative exercises are far better than any tests and inventories I have done and Dr. Nybo has created a strategic path for increased clarity."

Mark Cowpersmith, Personal, Spiritual Coach

We have all said "my work is good, my family is good, my life is good......but

Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

I've been where you are.

Hundreds of people have found clarity and direction using these 3 steps in a 7 day process you do on your own schedule.



Gain Perspective


"Wow. Just wow."

"Brilliant process and so very motivational. It is so clear now that wisdom meets us in our search. How easy it is to forget that critical piece. Thank you for this life-changing book. Well done."

Amazon review​



Move Forward

​I was blown away … Brilliant process and so very motivational. So clear now that God will meet us in our searching. Thank you for this life-changing book. Well done."

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