Forbes tells us “A positive workplace culture improves teamwork, raises the morale, increases productivity and efficiency, and enhances retention of the workforce. Job satisfaction, collaboration, and work performance are all enhanced. And, most importantly, a positive workplace environment reduces stress in employees.”
The Harvard Business Review says, “a large and growing body of research on positive organizational psychology demonstrates that not only is a cut-throat environment harmful to productivity over time, but that a positive environment will lead to dramatic benefits for employers, employees, and the bottom line.
It is one thing to be a positive person at work. It is something else entirely to be a catalyst for change and a champion who helps shape a company culture towards positivity. The first makes a difference in you. The second, a difference in everyone around you.
It isn’t easy to change a culture. We have likely all heard the famous quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” When intentional positivity is not part of a company culture, implementing a new strategy would take substantial management buy in, tremendous effort, and probably won’t work. I recommend a quieter, grassroots approach.
As a public speaker, I’ve had the three components of a good speech drilled into me for years. They say it was Aristotle who first offered these. has summarized Aristotle’s thoughts this way.
1. Tell them what you will tell them.
2. Tell them.
3. Tell them what you just told them.
Its easy to remember the components but not always easy to remember to do them. I’ve learned from experience, leaving out any of them makes a speech less clear and compelling.
Extrapolating from these three ancient components for oratorical success, we can describe
3 keys to creating a culture of positivity at work.
I’m guessing the first one will surprise you.
1. Don’t express your intentions about positivity, just write them down.
2. Express positivity.
3. Encourage others to express positivity.
1. Don’t express your intentions about positivity, just write them down.
Does this one surprise you? Did you think it was going to be, “tell them how you are going to practice positivity?” That would have been my first inclination. But, there is surprising evidence that telling others our goals and intentions actually REDUCES the likelihood of us doing it. describes a study that compared students who shared their goals with students who didn’t. It turned out the students who did not tell anyone else about their intentions did far better at keeping them. It turns out,
Keep your good intentions to yourself. Don’t worry, you will have a chance to share your goals later in key three.
Be specific about ways you are going to express positivity. Specificity makes things easier. If you are looking for simple and easy ways to consistently add positivity to your day, consider reading Workplace Positivity Guide and Workbook. In it, my writing partner, Nicole Phillips, and I offer thirty micro-actions to increase positivity and reduce negativity wherever you work.
2. Express positivity.
This is the fun part. This is where you actually get to be positive. There are all kinds of ways and my recommendation is you find two or three that fit you style and work environment.
Here is our list of thirty micro-actions of positivity from our book, Workplace Positivity.
Reduce Negativity
Think About What You’re Thinking About
Find an Accountability Partner
Snap That Rubber Band
Change the Narrative
Be Clear and Kind on the Phone
Excuse Yourself From the Gossip
Give Grace
Get Curious
Start With Personal
Respect Their Time
Respect Their Space
Make Sure They Are the Point
Say It in a Hallway
Tell Them in a Text
Make a Point in a Meeting
Elaborate in an Email
Write a Personal Note
Phone a Friend
Text a Holiday Greeting
Offer One Message to Multiple People
Talk to Yourself to Train Your Thoughts
Pause and Catch Your Thoughts in the Act
Reject Thoughts That Don’t Serve You
Memorize a Mantra
Look For the Good
Expect People to Be Kind
Find the Silver Lining
Acknowledge Your Part of the Trifecta
Jump-Start Your Kindness
I have been moved by a quote from the recent presidential inaugural speech.
I can’t think of a better idea to keep before us as we begin to express positivity regularly.
3. Encourage them to express positivity.
I told you there would be a chance for you to tell others about your intentions. Wait until you begin to hear some comments from those who have experienced your positivity. Then, look for an opportunity to share your thoughts in a meeting.
Share what led you to be intentional about positivity.
Share some of the reasons positivity are good for the organization. There are plenty of articles about the benefits of positivity and the drawbacks of negativity. Check out past blog posts of mine to find plenty. Get their input and let them know you are going to be working on expressing positivity.
Share the specific micro-actions you have been practicing and demonstrating. Encourage others to consider doing the same.
Stop the group before they set a team positivity goal.
Share with them the surprising results of the study and encourage them to write down, but not tell anyone, about their positivity goals. Then agree to have time in a meeting in a month to see what people have noticed.
Are you motivated enough to find and try a new micro-action for positivity? Below is an excerpt from our book, Workplace Positivity.
Tell Them in a Text
We all appreciate tech support when we need it. How about a little text support?
This is an individual or group text to thank one or more people. Earlier today, I
watched a video presentation my team put together that blew me away. Our regular
team meeting isn’t for two days so I sent a group text telling them I couldn’t wait
until the meeting to tell them what a great job they all did. And, I attached a GIF of
Tom Hanks expressing great joy. Typed and sent in less than two minutes.
On other occasions, I’ve identified each person’s contribution and said something
that was praise-worthy about it. I highly recommend both the general and specific
texts. Just don’t miss anyone if you are mentioning everyone by name.
NICOLE’S PODCAST PERSPECTIVE (In the book, we take turns writing chapters. The other one gives some professional reflection.)
In Episode 108 of The Kindness Podcast, I had the pleasure of talking with Donna
Thomson and Zachary White about their book, The Unexpected Journey of Caring: The
Transformation from Loved One to Caregiver. They are part of the 45 million people
providing unpaid care for a loved one. I quickly realized what lonely work it can be to
be needed 24/7. A “team” text doesn’t just have to be with your work family. Using this
approach with our volunteer groups, religious organizations or the people helping out our
elderly relatives builds unity and keeps everyone motivated to do their best.
Now it’s your turn.
In the comments, tell me your #1 takeaway and how you plan to use it in your workplace?
Want more? Click here for a free excerpt from Workplace Positivity with three micro-actions.
For more about Workplace Positivity, go to
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